The Farewell Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (SAW): A Timeless Message of Unity and Justice

The farewell sermon of prophet Muhammad (SAW)

 The Farewell Sermon, delivered by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) during his final pilgrimage to Mecca in the year 632 CE, stands as one of the most profound and impactful messages in Islamic history. Given on the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah, on the plains of Mount Arafat, this sermon encapsulates the essence of Islamic teachings and offers timeless guidance for humanity. Its core themes of equality, justice, and moral conduct remain relevant across centuries and continue to inspire millions around the globe.

Setting the Scene: The Last Pilgrimage

In the final year of his life, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) undertook what is known as the Hajj al-Wada' or the Farewell Pilgrimage. This journey was not merely a ritual act of worship but a culminating moment in his prophetic mission. The sermon he delivered during this pilgrimage was attended by tens of thousands of his followers, who later transmitted its teachings to subsequent generations, ensuring its preservation and propagation.

 Core Messages of the Sermon

1.Unity and Brotherhood

   The Prophet (SAW) emphasized the principle of universal brotherhood and the equality of all humans. He declared, "O people, your Lord is one, and your father (Adam) is one. There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab over an Arab, neither a white over a black, nor a black over a white, except by piety and good action." This declaration was a revolutionary call against racial and ethnic discrimination, advocating for a society based on mutual respect and righteousness.

2.Sanctity of Life and Property

   The Prophet (SAW) underscored the sanctity of human life and property, stating, "Indeed, your blood, your property, and your honor are as sacred and inviolable as the sanctity of this day of yours, in this month of yours, in this town of yours." By equating the sanctity of life to the sacredness of the holy city of Mecca, he reinforced the need for respect and protection of individual rights.

3.Rights of Women

   Addressing the treatment of women, the Prophet (SAW) said, "O people, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Treat them with kindness and love." This highlighted the importance of respecting and protecting the rights of women, advocating for a balanced and fair treatment within the family structure.

4.Condemnation of Usury (Riba)

   In his sermon, the Prophet (SAW) explicitly forbade usury, proclaiming all previous usurious debts null and void. This was a significant step towards establishing an economic system based on fairness and justice, eliminating exploitation and economic injustice.

5.Adherence to the Quran and Sunnah

   Prophet Muhammad (SAW) urged his followers to hold firmly to the Quran and his teachings (Sunnah), stating that these sources would keep them from going astray. This emphasis on the foundational texts of Islam serves as a guiding principle for Muslims to navigate their personal and communal lives.

6.Accountability and Justice

   The Prophet (SAW) stressed the concept of accountability in the hereafter and the importance of justice, stating, "You will surely meet your Lord, and He will ask you about your deeds." This reminder serves to reinforce the ethical and moral responsibilities of individuals, promoting a just and conscientious society.

Legacy and Relevance Today

The Farewell Sermon is not just a historical speech but a living document that continues to resonate with contemporary issues. Its calls for equality, justice, and ethical conduct address many of the challenges faced by modern societies, from racial discrimination and gender inequality to economic exploitation and moral decay.

In a world often divided by race, ethnicity, and social status, the Prophet's (SAW) message of universal brotherhood and equality remains a powerful antidote to division and strife. By advocating for the sanctity of life, property, and honor, it provides a foundation for human rights and social justice that transcends time and place.

Moreover, the emphasis on accountability and adherence to ethical principles is a reminder of the importance of integrity and moral responsibility in both personal and public life. As such, the Farewell Sermon stands as a beacon of guidance, urging humanity towards a path of righteousness, compassion, and justice.


The Farewell Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is a timeless testament to the core values of Islam and the universal principles of justice, equality, and ethical conduct. Its enduring relevance is a testament to its profound wisdom and the visionary leadership of the Prophet (SAW). As we reflect on its teachings, we are reminded of our collective responsibility to uphold these values in our lives and communities, striving to create a world rooted in peace, justice, and mutual respect.


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