The Wisdom of Prophet Suleiman (Solomon): A Beacon of Justice and Leadership


The Wisdom of Prophet Suleiman (Solomon): A Beacon of Justice and Leadership
Prophet Suleiman (Solomon), a revered figure in Islamic tradition, is renowned for his unparalleled wisdom, justice, and ability to communicate with all of creation. His story is one of divine endowment and exemplary leadership, serving as a timeless source of inspiration. This blog post explores the wisdom of Prophet Suleiman, delving into key episodes from his life that highlight his extraordinary judgment and profound understanding.

Divine Endowment of Wisdom

Suleiman inherited his father Prophet Daud’s (David’s) kingdom and his profound sense of justice. However, Suleiman's wisdom was unique, granted directly by Allah. The Quran narrates how Allah bestowed upon Suleiman knowledge, power, and the ability to understand and communicate with animals and jinn (supernatural beings). This divine gift allowed him to rule with fairness and insight, addressing both mundane and extraordinary matters with equal wisdom.

The Case of the Two Women and the Child

One of the most famous stories illustrating Suleiman's wisdom involves the case of two women who came to him with a dispute over a child. Both claimed to be the mother of the same baby. Suleiman's resolution of this dispute is a profound example of his judicial insight.

He suggested dividing the child in half, giving each woman a part. One woman agreed to the suggestion, while the other pleaded to give the baby to the other woman, preferring the child’s safety over her claim. Suleiman immediately recognized the true mother, who would rather lose her claim than see the child harmed. This judgment not only resolved the dispute but also highlighted Suleiman's ability to perceive true maternal love and sacrifice.

The Ants and the Valley

Another remarkable story involves Suleiman’s encounter with ants. As he and his army marched through a valley, Suleiman heard an ant warn its colony to hide to avoid being trampled. He smiled at the ant's wisdom and ordered his army to be careful, ensuring the safety of the tiny creatures.

This episode showcases Suleiman’s ability to understand and communicate with animals, but more importantly, it reflects his compassion and respect for all forms of life. His attentiveness to the welfare of even the smallest creatures exemplifies the comprehensive nature of his wisdom and justice.

The Visit of the Queen of Sheba

The story of Prophet Suleiman and the Queen of Sheba (Bilqis) is a testament to his diplomatic acumen and wisdom. When the Queen of Sheba received Suleiman’s letter inviting her to monotheism, she decided to visit his court to witness his greatness firsthand.

Suleiman, aware of her visit, demonstrated the power of divine guidance by having her magnificent throne brought to his palace before her arrival. Upon seeing her throne and experiencing Suleiman’s wisdom, Bilqis recognized his prophethood and accepted the worship of Allah.

This story highlights Suleiman’s ability to use wisdom and divine signs to guide others towards the truth, showcasing his diplomatic skills and spiritual insight.

Building the Temple

Suleiman's wisdom also extended to his administrative and architectural endeavors. He is credited with building the first temple in Jerusalem, known as Solomon’s Temple, a monumental project that required immense planning, resources, and labor. His ability to mobilize his kingdom’s resources and manage diverse tasks, including employing jinn for construction, reflects his exceptional organizational skills and foresight.

The temple became a central place of worship and a symbol of Suleiman’s dedication to Allah. It underscored his commitment to creating a society rooted in faith and justice, providing a sacred space for spiritual devotion.

Lessons from Prophet Suleiman’s Wisdom

1.Judicial Insight: Suleiman’s judgments, such as the case of the two women, demonstrate the importance of discerning the truth with fairness and insight. His ability to perceive the underlying emotions and motivations of people is a key aspect of wise leadership.   

2. Compassion for All Creatures: Suleiman’s attentiveness to the ants reflects a profound respect for all life. True wisdom involves recognizing the value and rights of every creature, no matter how small.

3.Diplomatic Acumen: The story of Suleiman and the Queen of Sheba highlights the power of wisdom and diplomacy in guiding others towards truth and righteousness. Suleiman’s approach to leadership was not only about ruling but also about enlightening and inspiring.

4.Spiritual and Material Balance: Suleiman’s construction of the temple symbolizes the harmonious blend of spiritual devotion and material responsibility. Wisdom in leadership involves balancing these aspects to create a just and prosperous society.

5.Divine Reliance: Throughout his life, Suleiman relied on the wisdom and guidance granted by Allah. His story teaches the importance of seeking divine insight in making just and righteous decisions.


Prophet Suleiman’s wisdom remains a beacon of exemplary leadership and justice. His ability to discern truth, his compassion for all living beings, his diplomatic skills, and his balanced approach to governance continue to inspire. As we reflect on the life and wisdom of Prophet Suleiman, we are reminded of the timeless values of justice, compassion, and reliance on divine guidance. His legacy encourages us to strive for wisdom in our own lives, to lead with fairness, and to respect the rights and dignity of all creation.


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